(scroll down for haiku & brief commentary)
(with commentary -- scroll down)
"in the space"
"splitting the cold bright . . . "
“slow rain”
“the quiet”
“the geese”
(This is issue # 4.1. Find these 3 haiku on p. 117 of the electronic magazine.)
3 haiku in World Haiku Review April 2012, "warm breeze", "late snow", and "hazy moon"
1 haiku in World Haiku Review April 2012, "sun at last"
"rising" (with haiga by Ron Moss at bottom of page)
"lavender spikes", "spent peony", & "longest day" (scroll down)
"blue years eve and cold haze"
"long rain ends & last quarter"
4 haiku in August 2010 World Haiku Review (scroll down to Neo-Classic Haiku of Merit)
3 haiku at Notes From the Gean #5
"all summer" and "wood smoke . . ."
Five haiku in the December 2009 issue of Notes From the Gean
7 raven haiku on the Haiku Foundation's Montage -- "Halloween Masque"
Cycle 6 of DailyHaiku. I am one of six contributors to the October 08 March 09 cycle
Check the Archives page for my haiku weeks, beginning October 26th.
Three haiku in the October 08 issue of World Haiku Review:
October 08 issue of World Haiku Review
"sliding door & snow falls into"
more haiku:
Two haiku in the August 08 issue of Roadrunner Haiku Journal
Three haiku in the May 2007 issue of Roadrunner Haiku Journal